Better Godliness Through Science

Spiritually focused method and technology designed to improve our experience on earth, honor God, and make us better caretakers of each other and our planet.

This is the hubsite of William Bunker's webring.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Vibrancy and Forum

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. These before all are what is important.

Love is good, evil is lack of love. Some expressions of love are good and some are not. Some things that we think of as love contain thoughts that are selfish or fearful and therefore are not fully love. Lust is not love. Envy is not love. Anything you do where you fail to love yourself is not full love.

Before anything went wrong with mankind, Satan fell from faith, stopped loving himself, and began lying for whatever reasons. This is the root of making bad choices. Do not do this. Love God, love yourself. Ask forgiveness for the times you've failed to follow God's commandments and be restored to full goodness with Jesus Christ. Be vibrant and with God!


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