Better Godliness Through Science

Spiritually focused method and technology designed to improve our experience on earth, honor God, and make us better caretakers of each other and our planet.

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Friday, June 09, 2006

The Goods

This is my belief.

I am a Christian. I believe in the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I believe God made the world in 7 days, and I keep the 7th day holy. I believe we are saved by faith and not by works. So all of this evangelizing and education I am doing is not getting me closer to heaven, but I do it for your benefit and the worldly benefit of many.

I am not a man of consequence. I know that God does not need my help exacting justice when evil is done or desired. My actions are not required to force justice, but I am a servant of God and do what is right by God's name. Life and death are not in my hands. I will not kill except in direct self defense. I wish not to accuse anyone of anything, for only God knows the truth, but I will study and know and do what is right in God's service. I believe that incarceration and rehabilitation are possibly solutions, but I do not believe in forcing religion on others.

But how can I be with a woman who is not following God as I am following God? We would be unevenly yoked. I will not break a promise and I am told not to promise by Jesus, nor to worry. God will assemble everything that should happen, and by following God's word and trusting in Jesus Christ I will make it.

So it seems that by reincarnation and 'Abraham's bosom' pre-christians were judged and kept alive or banished to hell. There is no one time to be here, but upon death we are judged, and on the last day we will all be judged by Jesus Christ and God forever.


Blogger William Bunker said...

"he has made known to us the mystery of his will in accord with his favor that he set forth in him as a plan for the fullness of times, to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth." -Ephesians 1:9

11:37 PM  

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